Contact Us

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3732 Northeast 40th Place
Ocala, FL, 34479
United States

(239) 298-0235

American Dental Refurbishment all started with the concept that doctors really should receive more value for the equipment they purchase. As competitive as the field of dentistry is it's important that, you as a dentist, explore the options to remain economically stable and remain competitive. At American Dental Refurbishment, we're here to solve this problem. With the option of New, Refurbished, and Used equipment we can help to bring you the office you've dreamed of with only a fraction of the cost; and that right there is enough to make everyone smile.


Shipping Info

If you are charged for shipping on multiple chairs, American Dental Refurbishment will reimburse you for the additional shipping charges as with multiple chair package orders we offer free shipping. All shipping on other products not weighing over 100lbs will ship UPS or an equivalent service provider. Any Package over 100 lbs will be shipped freight. For all chair packages and packages being delivered and installed or packages shipping standard freight you must allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. Office Packages must allow 10-12 weeks for delivery.  As we are currently adjusting our shipping rates we ask that if there is any question about a shipping quote then you may call us in advance. We would love to assist you!